Saturday, April 10, 2010

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

I really enjoyed Inkheart.  Meggie is a little girl who LOVES books and so does her father. They both read a lot but her dad never reads out loud to her.  Mo’s job is repairing books and he has taught a deep respect of books to his daughter Meggie. Life as Meggie knows it changes as a mysterious acquaintance arrives at their home and gives a warning about someone named Capricorn. Meggie has never heard that name before.

This book is so full of adventure! The author is really good at building her characters. At first, I thought it ran a bit slow because she was building her character. I think she is wise though because I felt like I knew and could relate with her characters and feel she build a strong foundation for her story. It was great to get lost in the story. Once I got into the story, I couldn’t put it down.